Thursday, June 5, 2008

Padres Baseball

Two years ago, AJ played little league baseball at age 5. We played in Danville and I really thought we would have a great experience for AJ's first year. Boy was I wrong! They won the first game and lost every game after that. The coach was new and didn't really know how to be a coach. I think there was not many who wanted to be coach and those who volunteered to be assistants took over the coach spot. They didn't have any assistants to go around. You could tell the spirit of the little leaguers was dwindling after each game. After the games were over, there was suppose to be an all-league pitch in cookout on the next Saturday. Well we all know what spring weather brings....Rain...Yes...and lots of it. Saturday activities were canceled! We never seen the coach again, and AJ never got his participation trophy. What a huge let down for AJ!

The next year, I decided not to sign AJ for little league. I am glad that I didn't. Since we moved to Greencastle, I would have been hesitant to sign him up for Greencastle's Little League. I probably would have drove him back and forth to Danville since we probably would have been on the same team as year's past and that team would have been awesome. The team would have been together for at least 3 years and most of them are the same age. They would have figured out how to play together as a team and won every game.

Well here we are in Greencastle, and since AJ didn't play last year, I went ahead and signed him up here. Wow...I am so glad I did! His self confidence changed almost over night one evening. For the first half of the season, AJ had to play outfield. He seemed really bummed about it and didn't want to play. Whenever the coach had too many players, AJ volunteered every time to sit the bench. UGH! Well the day came and coach made him the catcher for a game! Wow...the coach was really on him that game. Come on gotta be can throw that ball better....come on...go get the ball! When AJ got to bat though, wow...what a difference! AJ was up to bat 3 times....AJ hit the ball 3 times....AJ got on base 3 times.....and AJ was batted in 3 times! We won that game by a 20 run lead default! AJ was ecstatic at the end of the game. Every parent complimented him on a job well done!

Now each game after, AJ has been the catcher! He loves it so much! He now is excited to go play his games. He is the first one in the car yelling at us to hurry up! That is a first! Papaw gave him a tin of old baseball cards. AJ picked out all of the catchers and put them in a special baggy that he keeps looking at.

Today was the first game of the tournament. We won 16-1! It was very hot and humid...more than 90 degrees...and AJ never complained! Tomorrow we will play at 7:15 pm so hopefully it won't be as humid, but you never know.

I am so glad that I made the decision to sign AJ up with Greencastle Youth Baseball. His team has won every game except 2. Even if we lose the tournament tomorrow...I think AJ will still be a winner! The Padres has turned a little 7 year old into a confident 7 year old! I couldn't be any prouder!

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