Sunday, December 14, 2008

An Overwhelming Feeling!

OK, right now I feel very overwhelmed. It is December 14th and I have so much to do! I want to get everything done, but I have been sick. I have a head cold that has settled in my ears. I have been taking some amoxicillin hoping that would help. I started taking it Thursday morning, almost 4 days ago, but it hasn't seemed to help any. I can hear, but there is so much pressure in my ears, that it is driving me if I wasn't already! I don't want to go to the doctor, cause that is one more thing to do. I have been getting some rest, but that is only because I have been really drowsy.

I don't know how I am going to get stuff done this week. I have to fill out Christmas envelopes, write and print out a holiday letter, make goodies for teachers and bus driver, decorate the Christmas tree, clean my house, catch up on laundry, finish Christmas shopping, go to Awanas on Wednesday...and so much more that I can't think of at the moment.

This is such a crazy time of the year. With Christmas, family parties, house decorating, shopping, baking, moving my husband to Alabama, visiting Alabama, Gabby's birthday, and other birthday parties, I don't need to be sick on top of it!!! It is just an overwhelming feeling!!! Please keep me in your prayers to get better and to keep things in check! Thanks!!!

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